Namespace Thirdweb
- Auction
Represents an auction in the marketplace.
- AuctionParameters
Represents the parameters for creating or updating an auction.
- BrowserResult
Represents the result of a browser-based login operation.
- ContractMetadata
Represents the metadata of a contract.
- Drop_ClaimCondition
Represents a claim condition for a drop.
- EIP712
Provides methods for generating and signing EIP712 compliant messages and transactions.
- EcosystemWallet
Enclave based secure cross ecosystem wallet.
- EcosystemWallet.ShardedOrEnclaveWallet
Represents a user's embedded wallet.
- EcosystemWallet.UserStatusResponse
User linked account details.
- EngineWallet
Enclave based secure cross ecosystem wallet.
- Forwarder_ForwardRequest
Represents a forward request for a forwarder.
- InAppWallet
Represents an in-app wallet that supports email, phone, social, SIWE and custom authentication.
- InAppWalletBrowser
Represents an in-app browser for handling wallet login.
- Listing
Represents a listing in the marketplace.
- ListingParameters
Represents the parameters for creating or updating a listing in the marketplace.
- LoginPayloadData
Represents login payload data.
- Offer
Represents an offer made on NFTs.
- OfferParams
Represents the parameters for making an offer on NFTs.
- PrivateKeyWallet
Represents a wallet that uses a private key for signing transactions and messages.
- RoyaltyInfoResult
Represents the royalty information result.
- RpcError
Represents an error returned from an RPC call.
- RpcRequest
Represents an RPC request.
- RpcResponse<T>
Represents a response from an RPC call.
- SocialProfiles
SocialProfiles object that contains all the different types of social profiles and their respective metadata.
- ThirdwebClient
Represents a client for interacting with the Thirdweb API.
- ThirdwebContract
Represents a Thirdweb contract.
- ThirdwebHttpClient
Represents a HTTP client for the Thirdweb SDK.
- ThirdwebHttpContent
Represents HTTP content used in the Thirdweb SDK.
- ThirdwebHttpResponseMessage
Represents an HTTP response message used in the Thirdweb SDK.
- ThirdwebRPC
Represents the Thirdweb RPC client for sending requests and handling responses.
- ThirdwebStorage
Provides methods for downloading and uploading data to Thirdweb storage.
- ThirdwebTransaction
Represents a Thirdweb transaction.
- ThirdwebTransactionInput
Represents the input parameters for a Thirdweb transaction.
- ThirdwebTransactionReceipt
Represents the receipt of a transaction.
- TimeoutOptions
Represents the timeout options for different types of operations.
- TokenERC1155_MintRequest
Represents a mint request for an ERC1155 token.
- TokenERC20_MintRequest
Represents a mint request for an ERC20 token.
- TokenERC721_MintRequest
Represents a mint request for an ERC721 token.
- Utils
Provides utility methods for various operations.
- VerifyResult
Represents the result of a verification operation.
- IPFSUploadResult
Represents the result of an IPFS upload.
- LinkedAccount
Represents a linked account.
- LinkedAccount.LinkedAccountDetails
The email, address, phone and id related to the linked account, where applicable.
- LoginPayload
Represents a login payload.
Represents an NFT with metadata, owner, type, and supply information.
- NFTMetadata
Represents the metadata of an NFT.
- TotalCosts
Represents the total costs in ether and wei.
- ZkSyncOptions
Represents the zkSync options for a transaction.
- IThirdwebBrowser
Defines an interface for handling browser-based login for Thirdweb.
- IThirdwebHttpClient
Interface for a HTTP client used in the Thirdweb SDK.
- IThirdwebWallet
Interface for a Thirdweb wallet.
- ITimeoutOptions
Interface for defining timeout options for different types of operations.
- AuthProvider
Specifies the authentication providers available for the in-app wallet.
- BrowserStatus
Enumerates the possible statuses of a browser operation.
- NFTType
Represents the type of an NFT.
- Status
Enumeration representing the status of an entity (unset, created, completed, or cancelled).
- ThirdwebAccountType
Enum for the types of Thirdweb accounts.
- TimeoutType
Specifies the type of timeout for various operations.
- TokenType
Enumeration representing the type of tokens (ERC721, ERC1155, or ERC20).