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DirectListing interface

Represents a marketplace direct listing.


export interface DirectListing 


Property Type Description
asset NFTMetadata The asset being listed.
assetContractAddress string The address of the asset being listed.
buyoutCurrencyValuePerToken CurrencyValue The CurrencyValue of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
buyoutPrice BigNumberish The buyout price of the listing.
currencyContractAddress string The address of the currency to accept for the listing.
id string The id of the listing.
quantity BigNumberish The quantity of tokens to include in the listing.For ERC721s, this value should always be 1 (and will be forced internally regardless of what is passed here).
secondsUntilEnd BigNumberish Number of seconds until the listing expires.
sellerAddress string The address of the seller.
startTimeInSeconds BigNumberish The start time of the listing.
tokenId BigNumberish The ID of the token to list.
type ListingType.Direct