
Home > @3rdweb/sdk > ISDKOptions

ISDKOptions interface

The optional options that can be passed to the SDK.


export interface ISDKOptions 


Property Type Description
gasless { biconomy: { apiId: string; apiKey: string; deadlineSeconds?: number; gasTier?: “NORMAL” | “FAST” | “RAPID”; }; } Optional gasless transaction configuration deadlineSeconds is the number of seconds before the transaction is considered expired.
gaslessSendFunction (contract: BaseContract, transaction: GaslessTransaction) => Promise<string> Optional function for sending transaction to a relayer
gasSpeed string Optional default speed setting for transactions
ipfsGatewayUrl string An optional IPFS Gateway. (Default: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/).
maxGasPriceInGwei number maxGasPrice for transactions
readOnlyRpcUrl string Optional read only RPC url
registryContractAddress string Optional Registry Contract Address
transactionRelayerForwarderAddress string Optional trusted forwarder address overwrite
transactionRelayerSendFunction (message: ForwardRequestMessage | PermitRequestMessage, signature: BytesLike) => Promise<string>  
transactionRelayerUrl string Optional relayer url to be used for gasless transaction