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NewSignaturePayload interface

Represents a new SignatureMint request.


export interface NewSignaturePayload 


Property Type Description
currencyAddress string The address of the currency used in the event that there is a price set on the token. If this is set to the 0x0 address, then its free to mint.
id? string (Optional) A unique identifier for the signature.If this value is an empty string, then a uuid-v4 will be generated.
metadata MetadataURIOrObject The metadata of the token to generate a signature for.
mintEndTimeEpochSeconds BigNumberish The epoch end time (in seconds) that essentially invalidates the signature such that it can no longer be claimed.
mintStartTimeEpochSeconds BigNumberish The epoch start time (in seconds) when the signature can be claimed.
price BigNumberish The price per the NFT being minted for this particular signature.
to string The receiver of the NFTs being minted when the signature is claimed.