Home > @3rdweb/sdk > NewSignaturePayload
Represents a new SignatureMint
export interface NewSignaturePayload
Property | Type | Description |
currencyAddress | string | The address of the currency used in the event that there is a price set on the token. If this is set to the 0x0 address, then its free to mint. |
id? | string | (Optional) A unique identifier for the signature.If this value is an empty string, then a uuid-v4 will be generated. |
metadata | MetadataURIOrObject | The metadata of the token to generate a signature for. |
mintEndTimeEpochSeconds | BigNumberish | The epoch end time (in seconds) that essentially invalidates the signature such that it can no longer be claimed. |
mintStartTimeEpochSeconds | BigNumberish | The epoch start time (in seconds) when the signature can be claimed. |
price | BigNumberish | The price per the NFT being minted for this particular signature. |
to | string | The receiver of the NFTs being minted when the signature is claimed. |